I STARTED Early--Took my Dog--And visited the Sea--
The Mermaids in the Basement Came out to look at me
--Emily Dickinson

Friday, May 4, 2012

May bead theme...

I had a very hard time coming up with a bead theme for May (obviously--here it is the 4th and I haven't posted anything yet).  My favorite polymer thing to do is canes.  I've been so busy with everything, that I haven't made a cane (well, my normal type of cane--quilts!) for quite a while.  So I'm combining that with beads for May.  I'm going to make a cane every day and make a bead (or two or three...or a dozen) using the cane.  Here's the first one:

The quilt pattern is "Pinwheel", and I ran up against one of the pitfalls of quilt caning--taking it too far.  I should have gone for nine blocks to the quilt instead of sixteen.  Nine blocks would have made the blocks in the quilt bigger and they wouldn't get so lost in the final quilt reduction.  I'm happy with the colors, though--that seems to be another pitfall I run up against from time to time.

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